2005. and i just got used to writing 2004

Jan 01, 2005 14:55

well yesterday for new years i sat around watching tv until like 7 when i went to shanes. we watched the oc first season for awhile then some salad fingers. then jimmy eat world was on mtv it was niiiceee. oh yeah and michelle called so i talked to her while she was partying it up in NY. then later i talked to ali and some other crazy people that probly dont remember talking to me. oh yeah so then the ball drops yaay and i go home. and im half asleep and im like oh yeah must take necklace off and DUNDUN its not there. so then i find the chain part like in my shirt all weirded out and the thing that goes on the chain isnt there. and to make a long sroty short i still dont know where it is. so i feel kind of really bad. and i bet its at his house so this should be interesting. ali if you get back from soccer at a good time we are definitley watching garden state cause everyones talking about it and i havent seen it. if youve seen it is it good?
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