Apr 18, 2008 11:31
Dear Mollie
Unfortunately we will not be administering any government / federal approved loans for US students/applicants. We simply do not have the resource to meet the demand of their audit or paperwork. This was announced on our website.
We feel saddened that we have to tell people this its just that they approached us this year with a demanding audit that we could not pass as we dont hold records for as long as they needed.
Let me know what you decide to do about raising the rest of what you need.
Sorry about this,
AA Registrar
My reaction: FUCK. FUCK!
I got the news yesterday that they are giving me $6,000.00 in scholarship, however I now have no other means to fund my graduate education, because this email erases the possibility of using GradPlus or Stafford loans (which is what I was planning on using). Now my only choice is using private loans (aka HIGH interest rates). Once this semester is over I am going to be applying for grants and scholarships galore (even though there are slim to none loans offered for graduate students from the US going to the UK).
I have had a terrible week. My ipod was stolen, I got into a fight w/security that ended in tears, my mountain bike got painted over in my hallway by my idiot super, I literally am out of clean clothes, I have bills to pay, my apartment is a mess, my thesis is due in a week, and NOW THIS.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel, right?