Jan 07, 2007 15:57
I've had a perfectly wonderful holiday season. I had to work x-mas day, but we were able to switch our family christmas stuff to x-mas eve. Michael and I went to my aunt's house to celebrate with my mom's side of the family and then went to my dad's. We drove up to Missouri, as is tradition, to my grandparents' farm, but only for the day. We usually spend a couple nights, but things seemed to be wrapping up, so we came on home. I don't think Michael missed having to sleep on the dining room floor under the table at all : ). We were still able to participate in the traditional trip to Wal-mart (which started years ago as us city kids' futile attempt to get away from the farm and see civilization in the closest town that is big enough to actually have a Wal-mart). However, this year's trip to Wal-mart ended with us standing there thinking, now why is it that we do this again?
I was fortunate enough to have the company of my cousin, Joel, for New Year's. He was able to come with us to Danny's party, where we had a great time. Thanks for having us!
I had a great birthday yesterday, starting with the many enthusiastic "Happy Birthdays" from all those involved with FreakEngine, and a nice rendition of 'Happy Birthday' from the crowd after the show. I got several phone calls and text messages during the day and went out to dinner with my dad, Sharon (his fiance), Adam, Dave, Uncle Mike, and Michael. They gave me lots of goodies. Adam, Dave, Michael, and I then went to the Flying Saucer for late night birthday beverages. It was really good to get to hang out with Adam and Dave. We seriously need to make a point to do that more often!
I made waffles for the first time today with my new waffle iron that I got for my B'day from Michael (Yes, I wanted one!). They tasted pretty good, but I think I still need a little practice.
I can't believe it's almost time for school to start again. ARRGH! I'll be taking Advanced Research, and Advanced Pathophysiology. Work should be paying for school, and it looks like they might reimburse me for last semester! I hate school, I just thought I would mention that in case you didn't know. I'm so sick of it. BUT only a few more years (at this pace) and I'll be done forever. I swear I'm not going to go back for a doctorate!!
I've recovered from the break in. Friends have given me a new TV (which has a fantastic picture, by the way), and a new DVD player. Thanks Laura and Danny! My dad and Sharon bought me a new digital camera, and I found my nice not digital camera in the back of my closet. The only thing I lack now is a new laptop, which I swear I'm going to replace soon, very soon. I also have renter's insurance now, so next time someone feels like shopping at my apartment I'll be covered.