Apr 05, 2007 19:19
The quick version of my past few weeks:
I had a breakdown because of that sudden contact with Jeff, so that just reinforced my original plan never to speak with the kid again. Ever.
Went to Philly for St Patty's day so that I could spend it with Kristin & Kristin. Awesome.
My birthday bash idea fizzled, so it turned out to be just me & Waxmonsky with Katie & her boy at a Club Five in DC, and we had a GREAT time!
Wax & I celebrated one year together at one of our favorite restaurants, and he had a little speech that made me cry, it was so sweet. :)
Now? I'm sick. I thought it was just allergies, but waking up with a hell of a fever sorta throws out that idea. Now I've taken 2 days off from work, but I HAVE to work tomorrow and Saturday, and hopefully still pull off throwing a lil party for Wax's birthday. Oi!
Oh yea, and did I tell you that NIH is extending my fellowship an extra year so that I can train the new kid?