Jan 25, 2006 18:45
Reasons I could tell it was going to be one of THOSE days:
My first class of the day, I wind up sitting in the middle of one of those half-rooms in the Psych basement. Every seat (about 20) is filled. A little claustrophobia sets in. I do my breathing exercises and am doing fine. Then, about five more people grab desks from other classrooms and proceed to try and cram in there. One kid is practically out the door. I almost vomit all over the place but manage to struggle through with just some nausea and a cold sweat. Not too bad. Maybe I'm even getting over the claustrophobia.
Then, I go to lunch and burn my tounge really bad. Oh well. I'll heal.
In my next class, a kid turns and says, "EC101, right?" only I hear, "CC101" and leave, thinking I'm in the wrong class. I have to go back and look like a giant tool. My TA does not speak English. I can't even finish a sudoku.
I go to work and Bridget is there.
When I go to the bathroom, I look down and realize I put on my underwear inside-out this morning. Great.
The rest of work is pretty uneventful, and I am thankful for small favors.
When I get home, it turns out that the nice B&G man did not fix the leak in our ceiling, and there is now another drip along with an inch of water in bowl under the original drip.
If someone could just fast-forward to Friday, I'd really appreciate that.