Ok, if anyone knows what the title is from, lucky star.
Anyway, it's there referring to ANOTHER successfull trivia tilt at the Landsdowne. We were titled "Maverick MIA" this week - due to Rhys's non-appearance. He actually showed up later, but there were no bogeys, and I didn't have to be Goose.
So we got $60 on the bar for winning which was pretty good. There was also a fair bit of money thrown into BIG BUCK HUNTER II: SPORTSMAN'S PARADISE. Possibly the best game ever. No kidding. Check it out.
So very good. There's been some epic battles on there over the last few months, and hopefully more to come. Read more at
http://www.zax.com.au/bigbuckhunter2.html There was also the usual ridiculous jukebox selections. Including a rendition of Sweet Caroline that brought the place to it's feet.
Today saw a hangover emerge from my room before anything else. Uni was somewhat non-existent. What was existent was great times, check Ian's
aquariphonics) journal for the results. I understand there has been a massive response.
Not much up tomorrow. Work on Friday, then cheap drinks (can you say $1.40 Teddys?), then off to Muse. Followed
by pain no doubt, then work on Saturday/Sunday.
I'm also joing a baseball team. BASEBALL. A game I've never played in my life, but my god the season looks like it's
going to be a good one. We're due a win of course. More on that as info comes to hand.
Ok, I'm not sure what is going on with the text right now.