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Jul 15, 2005 02:51

Mmmm, so nuthins really new..been kinda bored n fed up with people n their lack of maturity, but thats alright. im leaving for new york tomorrow with Steph, and that'll gimmie a chance to juss get away..from the drama, crazy ass drivers, n juss weird people. ugh, school starts in a few weeks..in a way i cant wait, cuz it'll gimmie somethin to do, but i kno ill get bored with it right away lol. o well.

Ehh. so mi love lifes is still a "lack there of" lol which is fine..im in no hurry..but it kinda sucks wen u get in those "lonely" moods.. =/ hmm..

So ive been doin a lotta thinkin..i think i should sorta work on mi judgment..as far as picking friends go. cuz, i meet someone, n like instantly become friends with them. and i dont really take the time to get to kno them. hence the "fed up with people n their lack of maturity"...i should prolly try n find some friends that are more on mi level..i mean its cool to have a variety of friends..but its not cool to have friends that treat u like crap n dont even take a second to think about ur feelings or try to look at a sit. that ur goin through from ur point of view. which is what i try n do. i try n take eveyones opinions n stuff into perspective n such. n try to avoid fights n refuse to see the bad in people, (i guess thats why some people consider me as "too nice" sometimes, but i hate seeing people upset n i would do ne thing n evrything to keep people from fighting. but some juss go up n tell u what they think of u right up to ur face n dont even think for a second of how ud feel (if they were gonna say something negative) im a lil different, i dont really like to go up to people n say "oh i think ur a lil annoying bitch.." b.c i think thats really harsh n rude not to mention "bully-like"..idk. gosh i dont even kno why im typing all this..juss random thot i guess..lol

I guess i should surround myself with good people and people that treat me well and make relatively good decisions lol cuz honestly, i think that the people u hang out with, change u a lil bit. I mean ive definatley noticed a change in mi behavior with different people I hang out with. Like, i do somethings that i wouldnt normaly do, some good and some not so good. n thats kinda scary. lol (sry, juss another random thot)

Ive also been thinkin about the descisions ive been making. they arent too good.. =/ some serious stuff happend this summer that im not too proud of, but thats how u learn i guess..from ur mistakes. and ive definatley learned from those mistakes n im not putting miself in a situation to where i could make a mistake like those again. but ive put it behind me, n im moving on.. yay! lol =)

Also, i need to get bak into sports..im gonna start dancing again, so im kinda excited about that, im gonna try out fer volleyball and softball at santaluces..i hope i make it. i havent practiced in a while..but im gettin bak in workin out =) yep..hmm i guess thats pretty much all i have to say so ttyl!

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