The Post in which I kinda rant about the fandom

Dec 20, 2012 12:02

So yesterday, as I was going thru my daily dose of Social Networks (you know checking FB/Twitter/Tumblr/LJ), I found out about our lovely boys dating life.

And you know what? I could not care less about it.
You don't like Gale new gf? Who cares? Certainly not Gale!
You liked better Randy with Brian? His new bf seems to trashy for your tastes? who cares!

They can be with whomever they choose to be.

Just because they're part of our fandom it doesn't give us the right to criticize them.

I'm sorry if this offended anyone on my f-list, but I had to get it out my chest, lol.

Ok, so now back to my regular activities.

crazy fandom

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