holiday heaven

Aug 30, 2011 13:52

I write this sitting by the pool in turkey. R and I have been here four days now and it is heaven. I was initially slightly worried that lazy sunshine holidays might not be his sort of thing as much they are mine, but he's taken to the laid-back lazy lifestyle like a duck to water.

We haven't done much, on account of him still working on the last dribs and drabs of his MBA, but everything has to be handed in on Thursday so the holiday can begin in ernest then. We're planning beach trips, lazy days at sea, visits to turkish hillside villages and walking through the gorges in the national park.

I would post some snapshots but it seems my comeuppance for letting my paid account lapse means I can no longer post photos from my phone. If you follow me on instagram (graniaobrien), there's a handful up on there though.

I'm getting the faintest hint of a tan, though Ruaidhri is as pale as ever. This is partly due to staying indoors, typing. I'm going to take advantage of an empty pool and go for a long swim. Did I mention it is bliss?

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