
Oct 08, 2007 01:53

Like. I moved house mid-august. And it is pretty nice. Temperature could use some work, but nice neighbours, nice neighbourhood. anyways. week or so ago, went out and got SHELVES. getting the last I need next weekend, I think. But. Anyway. Friday, I finished assembling it all. And nearly all my books are single-row'd on shelving again. for the first time in over a decade. It's so.. Squeee!
I'm currently sitting on about 12 metres of shelving. It's.. so nice. Squee!
other than that, been alternating between busy and apathetic. so fricking tired lately.
nice new kitchen, too. since i have cash these days, lo! i did stock it with useful toys. even baked a cake the other week! chocolate peanut butter marbled cake. tasted great.
there are, for the record, many evil nasty horrible cute grey squirrels in the botanic gardens.
and some of them will take nuts from the hand. one will even jump on your shoulder to get a nut.
Do not ask how I know this, I am sworn to secrecy, and it has nothing to do with the bag of hazelnuts I habitually have in my pocket, these days.
anyway. I need sleep. In theory. Gonna try get to capoeira tomorrow. We are right next to a belly-dancing class, these days. Oy Vey.
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