Back when I first started my LJ account, it was so I could track the progress of my mental meds. After about 3 days, it turned into a good way to keep tabs on friends and their lives, exploits & news. Several months later, and I relized that I forgot that I should probably post something myself, after all, wasn't that the initial reason? Anyway, enough with the ramblings and on with the update. I'm not going to go into much detail on this one, but may later, once I get my camera unloaded.
About 3 weeks ago, I finally had my truck towed away. Got $125 for it for scrap metal. Hated to see it go, but it would take over $3k to make it run again. I already have 2 other tagged and running cars, and the homeowners ASSociation said get rid of it or start eating fines and possible forclosure.
This past saturday, I actually got to go mountain biking for the first time since march. Need to go back again...
Sunday was TCEP, and I ran a game of Lego Battletech. Pics to come shortly.
Monday me and
lohquesse went to the MD Rennisance Faire. Seen people I haven't seen in awhile, got hugs, good music. Even made a chainmail belt. Goin back this sunday.
Over the past few night, I got up the first section of new Ikea shelving, so I can start displaying some of my Lego models (and make better use of the space that I do have).
Friday, I have to renew my drivers licence, get the emmisions done on my new(er) car, and finish and deliver a project for
tth/ MSD.
I just followed some links, and just added about 20 people to my friends lists.
More to come tomorrow...