Apr 05, 2007 17:51
Here's the promised entry.
So hey, hi everyone! I know I should have have the time to update more since 2 of my 5 classes are on strike, but in the hope to ever see that strike end, I try to stay updated in my classwork for these two (not an easy thing to do, I tell you)... and there's Keven as well... and work. Well, I'm still busy...
Guh, speaking of work, I'm working this Friday (well, tomorrow) and Saturday... It's gonna be HELL! Let me remind you two thing: Easter weekend AND Chocolate store. Yeah...
Um... At least, tomorrow, I'm having a good reason to be eager about ending my shift (other than "hell, there are too many people in here! I want to go home..!"): I'm going for a good old evening of arcade DDR! Since they've done the relocation of the machines (SuperNOVA and In the Groove replaced Extreme and the whatever-the-number-is Mix). And the good new: the SuperNOVA machine is where the old Mix was... Where everyone is passing by, even if you're not going in the actual arcade place! Joy!!! :D SO you can guess that we're going to spend the whole evening there even if my feet are going to hurt like Hell and that I'm working the day after. Gee, I don't care! It's going to be Hell for Keven as well as he's back to work now... on night shifts. So the night from Thursday to Friday is his last and to see a bit of people, he has to disturb his sleeping routine to get back to the "awake during day, sleeping at night". Night shifts sucks a bit. I hope he'll be able to get back on day shift sometime during the summer... Poor thing, you shoulkd have seen him after his first night. He just wanted to sleep, but he had to go to work. Awww.
Anyway ^^
To get back to the strike... stupid thing.
Now the session is in danger, so the Uni's doing what it can to help us save it. So they want either to have us retake the lost weeks during the next autumn OR summer, or extend the session, or take wither the notes we have and make them finals OR give us the average note. Guh, the more the days pass by, the more the situation is getting on my nerves.
Arf, anyway.
Just got the call from Keven, I'm going over to his house.
Ciao bye! lol ^_^