Mar 26, 2006 23:01
Whell first off, Harry Potter was there. Second next week is the last shooting thing/banquet. I got liek three chapters done in the book im reading and when i got home i found out steve caleld. But see my mom thought it was dave. Now why would he call me anyways i havent talked to him in a while and besides...Wtf..anyways so it was family time so i couldnt hang out with any friends. Now she is denying it was family time but still 'its good i stayed home'. Whatever. Anyway for dinner we were going to have fattenng KFC. Ew anyways they didnt have any chicken so we went to subways which is healthier....but when we pulled in they chut off the lights. Fineh. So then we figured okay churches so we go ands it isnt tehre anymore. then we went to chicken shack. They dont have mashed potatoes! WTF!?!?!?!?! Anywayas so i atre greasy chiken that deffintly makes me go eww tahts yeah. Track starts tomorrow. Cant wait. I have $282 saved for a car so far. I know it isnt alot and i know i have some time before i start driing but the way i look at it that time will help make my savings ill be able to afford a car.
anyays thats abut all.