
Oct 22, 2005 19:34

h'okay just got back from teh movies and like we (me, crystal, angela and christa)we seen corpse bride it was good but it's always nice to know when an animated corpse bride is prettier then me...oh well but it was extrem,ely fun cause hey my big brotehr was tehre...yes curtis it was fun and like yea but like christa was playing hard to get the whole time and it was obvious...seriously she has a great guy but take it or leave treat him like shit..anyway movie was good but short..i felt bad that we didnt invite steve but he seriously would not of uproved(sp) oh well it was fun..i did miss him alot though and way so yea before the movie like a guy walked in and i knew it right away that it was him and liek i told cridda and angela said teh same and sshe doubted us but hey guess who teh hell it was...curtis. anyway then we got tickets and stuff went into theatre were we were extremly loud before teh movie then movie was good and stuff then i swear i woulda swolled it for a dollar..a quater that after movie we got yelled at for jumping off the wall and also i bite curtis's wrist and left a really bad indent..and yet my card still broke and he seen it...twerled around and stuff now im yea..anyway on phone with cridda rambling on...anywho i know her heart will get broken but ohw ell she will read this get pissed and yella t me yet i know somewhere in teh back of her mind she knows it...oh em gee he smelled so good i dunno why he just did...
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