Apr 13, 2008 01:12
Today. I had made plans to see a movie,Smart People, with my sister (her time is a commodity) at 7:15. So I was excited. As I left for work this morning, I said to my father, I hope the girl who relieves me isn't as late as she usually is ( 10-15 minutes). Yeah ...so around 6:20 I started to worry and begin to prep a " Please try to be more punctual speech in my head". Another 10 minutes pass and I'm starting to freak out. I keep checking the door. Nope. Nobody. 5 more minutes pass and I call my sister, who is waiting at the Movie Theater Parking lot for me. I tell her the girl isn't here yet. I call my boss. She's out of town. I try to call the girl on her cell. It goes to someone named John. I call my sister. Start Crying. Call my other boss. Cry on the phone to my boss because at this rate ( 6:45). I'm going to miss my movie. I call the girl's cell again. I call my other boss again (7:50). She has to come in to work for me. I call my sister...cry some more. Sob in the back room for like 2 minutes ( the one guy in the library probably thought I was crazy). Sniffled at the library assistant desk for 15 minutes. Boss arrives. I miss my movie. Eat the sandwich my sister got for me in the parking lot at Kroger. We go get ice-cream at Kroger. I go home. Try to watch Tv. The batteries die..Dad and I stuck were watching The Good, the Bad and the Ugly for 40 minutes while Mom takes forever buying batteries (It could have been worse though..we could have been stuck watching Rachael Ray). Watch Bone Catcher on Bravo with my parents. Mom passes out. Dad goes to bed. Bone Catcher ends. Start watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Turn it off when I get to scared. Sit on the couch. Phone rings. My mom stumbles slowly to the phone. It's my sister. Apparently she backed the car into her boyfriend's roommate's car, and it's worse then the time she backed up into the mailbox. UGH. My mom yells at her. She probably is crying. She's on her way home now. My mom says to me...that's it she's not allowed to go out anymore.
But we were going to try to see Smart People tomorrow :(
I hope the girl who worked the next shift isn't dead or something. That would be sad.
Waiting to see how much my sister fucked up the car.