Dec 12, 2006 17:57
While my life is turned upside down,,, i decide to make candy and sugar cookies.... yes they are tasty but it seems that when i make them i don't really care to eat them... meh oh well.
someday i want someone to say to me, "How could i forget you, you're the only person i know." then wash rinse and repeat.
As anne talks about how boys can only be over until 1 or something... i think.... at our apartment we don't really have a rule... i guess it's because everyone is quiet with their boyfriends but i guess i'd understand if they were keeping me awake all night. it must suck to have noisy men at your apartment i'm sorry.
then Urka talks about the worst blind date ever... i've already experienced one and it SUCKED!!! In the near future i will be experiencing another one.... i know i'm dumb but at least i can meet new people. i just hope they don't drink and what have you with their giant belt buckles.
To everyone driving in this winter wonderland do be courteous... if someone goes off the road stop and help them don't just drive by.... that's just mean. if you get stuck call me and i'll come get you. i promise.
Lately i've screwed up a lot of relationships.... i mean i lost my best friend and my once boyfriend... it's all a big mess of confusion... i've tried to make things better but i think i'm just making them worse... now i think it's time for me to give up... give up and accept how things have turned out.
here's to acceptance... *cheers*