Mar 22, 2005 08:57
this has to be quick cause im going to the ortho to get some wire or somthing wierd that i dont even need....well i do cause i get bad headaches from my jaw...but whatever thats off topic.
march break was fun...the food was good. the weather was nice... my new lily pullitzer bathing suit was so hot! and tony hawk was the bomb...and caity rocked in hte play and it was all good!
im not that tan but im happy with it. uh....there was somting else i was gonna say.... oh yes...
SUMMER IS ALMOST HERE! i need it now...fenwick is so sad without it...and i feel like im the only kid here cause the only time i see hte robertsons is when we pick carter up in hte morning. ah yes...but i had a birthday and i got some cool stuff...AND I GOT SIMS 2!!! so phyched!....well summers comming so you better watch out!