Jan 13, 2004 01:08
I love tall fat candles. When they start to burn down the sides of the candles become like a wall and you can look down into the candle that is slowly transforming from a cylinder into a tube. The best part comes once the candle is lighted. If you look at the candel straight on you cannot even see the flame because it is deep in the revine of wax. Instead, all you can see see is an inner glow that bouces up and down on the wall of the candle and an etheral light that flits and float above on the ceiling and wall. There is something about the boucing of the glow that reminds me of breathing. It is steady but not rythimic like a plusing metronome.
Moving on.....History of Art 1. Ok, i think that that class will be very good (ok ok, i know i'm going to say that about every class, I have a tendancy to like the classes I am in no matter what the subject is). Here's why I think I'll like it though. I have learned to appreciate ar, and be able to understand it more than ever. However, I am not visually literate. See in school we are taught how to read literature, how to work equations, how to analyze poetry, yet usually we are not taught to read viual literature. Sure we are taught about painters, and some history, and maybe how to paint, but understanding an artists vantage point (historically, religiously, personally) is a whole different story. So, hopefully I will start to become visually literate through this class. I want to figure things out for myself and be able think by myself, not to always wait for someone else to say something.
Creative writing. Now that should be ecxiting. I have no idea what I will write about yet. Probably short stories, or maybe one longer satire. I don't know.
This year I whined and now I don't have to work check out on Sunday's. Whihoo, I'm opening on tues. and thurs. (which is good, it'll make me get out of bed). I only have to close one night of the week (monday). This is good because last semester I spent many hours spending extra time up at the lab because people wouldn't get out of the lab right away and of course I can't just leave. I really want time this year to journal and to read on my own. Spending a few hours each week overtime doesn't help the situation. However, I feel bad for my friend Brian. He's going to close 4 times a week. So, I'll probablly end up feeling sorry and be like, "oh any time you need me to close let me know," and then i'll end up where I was last year. Pooy. I'll try not to be nice, but then I'll feel bad for not being nice (while other people are sacrificing they're valuable time). I'll spend all that time worrying and not get any work done. It's a lose lose situation. Haha, not really.
Ok, i've more rambled than anything in this entry. I bet no one is going to read the whole thing and get to the end. But, if you did make it to the end of a boring mess, hurray for you! You now get to be squirted by the water hose!!!!! Or maybe you just get the statisfaction of knowing you have finished. Or, maybe you realize you've wasted about 10 min (or whatever time it took to read this) of you life and are now going to crawl in a whole and cry, boohoo!