Apr 28, 2009 07:41
This is not part of the happy thoughts meme.... this is something I started thinking about last night when I was talking to Aaron and came up in our conversation.
It's really sad to me that the world we live in has changed so much. In the past, there were certain standards and morals people lived to.... things everyone agreed to as the proper thing even when people didn't always stick to them. Like waiting to have sex before marriage. Like not drinking too much alcohol. Some pretty universal values that were held by many countries and many religions. But the world has changed so that the people now that are judged are the people who practice those good behaviors. People who don't want to drink or sleep with people (etc) are accused of being "too good".... it just frustrates me sometimes.
Also, the way that people want everything now now now.... without really taking the time to think if those things are what's best for them or what they need. Or people feeling that they deserve certain things.... because nobody deserves anything and we need to be grateful for what we have. When you start feeling like something was promised to you, you feel like nothing you have is good enough til you get that thing, and you cut corners and make bad choices as long as it leads to getting what you want. I'm through with that. What I have is good enough. Who I am is good enough. I will not compromise to suit anyone else.
deep thoughts