Feb 07, 2009 18:07
So I took a sick day yesterday..... I'm so pathetic, I swear I take a sick day like once a month. It's because I get sick like EVERY MONTH. Argh. Well yesterday my head was fuzzy and I couldn't breathe all day.... so I started playing Suikoden 3 which I bought from my brother years ago but never played haha. I still have other games to beat so I shouldn't have started it I guess.... but I have been enjoying it so far. I like how you switch between three stories that are intertwined.
Last night I slept for 12 hours and woke up feeling refreshed. Still sick but not struggling as much with breathing today. Woot. Tomorrow there is English church, which is awesome..... but what is NOT awesome is the fact that the train I take is going to get me there an hour earlier than I am supposed to meet my ride.... curse my stupid inaka train line.
Also, I just ate 5 hotdogs. Japanese ones.... which are not really hotdogs in the way you might think. More like long pork sausages. I think they have a higher percentage of actual meat. Anyway, I was lazy and there wasn't much else to eat in my fridge. I put cheese on them, too....
Aren't I a champion today? Not showering, eating lots of hotdogs, playing videogames.... I'm pretty amazing lol. Not to mention I have been eating candy. I'm sure this is all doing wonders for my cold. I hope I'm not Captain McSneezypants again tomorrow. I wonder what I'll do for a whole hour waiting for my ride though :/ maybe there's a coffeeshop close to the station somewhere? I don't want to loiter in the station if there's no heat (not good for my cold)...... and knowing Japan, there won't be heat....drat. I need one of those sick people facial masks.