Getting out my feelings pt2

Feb 03, 2012 23:55


I have opinions - sometimes my opinions are not popular, and it scares the poop out of me when it's not because I'm afraid people are gonna assassinate me because I think certain things should have been handled differently - or that I completely disagree with them altogether (although, I highly doubt that).

Personally, I don't like to talk about them with friends unless we can be nice about it.  Even then, I'm uncomfortable with it because I'm afraid I'm shoving my opinion down their throat or vice versa.

However, there are sometimes where there is the need to put my personal convictions aside and stand up for what I believe in, like SOPA for instance.

But after that, I feel so tired of it.  And so oppressed because I can't voice my unpopular opinions in fear of being ridiculed and called "stupid".  What happened to the time that said "everyone's opinion is valid"?  What happened in between then and now?  Everyone is all for equal rights, but apparently they're not for the people who occasionally disagree with them.

Ah, such is life.

politics, meh, feelings, stuffs

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