Writing Marathon?! 8D YES.

May 31, 2011 14:50

Okay, so, paige0_o  decided to do a marathon because she had a great deal of writing to complete.  I for one, also have a great deal of writing to start on/finish/at least get another chapter in, bitch!

Now, if you wanna join in on our writing marathon.  All you have to do is keep up with paige0_o 's journal and save June 11th and June 12th on your calendar.  Yes, that's right - a whole TWO DAYS.  What we want to do is start 10 or 9 PM EST (this is still being debated, I believe) on the night of June 11th and then do a non-stop writing thing for a whole twenty-four hours.

You can find the original link here: http://paige0-o.livejournal.com/47605.html

Here's what I have to finish:
  • Strings - 2% completed.
  • Doll Face - 0% completed.
  • Retail Chronicles - 5% completed.
  • Re-write other stuff. - 0% completed.
  • Originals - 0% completed.
  • A litany - 0% completed.
  • The Worst Years of My Life - 0% completed.
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