bk, chihiro, m-fro, tb, yoshida

Nov 26, 2005 23:03

A full update this week! With mostly new songs, and a really weird unique one!

I'm in a good mood cause I AM FUCKIN DONE WITH APPS!! I have Tulsa listed as first choice since it's offering me a full ride and it's third in the nation for PE. =]

2. 鬼束ちひろ "Tiger in my Love"
3. m-flo "TRIPOD BABY "Shinichi Osawa Remix""
4. TERIYAKI BOYZ "今夜はバギーパンツ"
5. 吉田兄弟 "モダン"

Album Japana-rhythm
Duration 4:06
Comments The opening is weird, it reminds me of a crying baby and a singing kettle. Thankfully it improves at 0:20, sort of. It turns into what the main song is, except with a really high pitched voice. I'm fond of this song, just after the first 20 or so seconds. I think there's more rapping from Cico than usual but that's probably just me.

Artist 鬼束ちひろ
Title Tiger in my Love
Album Sugar High
Duration 4:52
Comments Something different from the usual piano ballads. It's got a very persistent bass... oh wait thats my equalizer. Well you should try this with full base, it sounds uniquer. This is my second favorite track on the Sugar High album.

Artist m-flo
Title TRIPOD BABY "Shinichi Osawa Remix"
Duration 6:04
Comments This remix it goes through like 3 stages. At first it's like the generic remix you would hear in like Planet Funk as background or something. Then at 2:30 it becomes kind of middle-easterny sort of seeming to me, or it's just in a minor key. 3:17 it turns into something happier trancey I believe. After that it oscillates between those two.

Title 今夜はバギーパンツ
Album Beef or Chicken
Duration 4:16
Comments If anyone still doesn't know, Teriyaki Boyz is a group of MCs gathered by Pharrell and Jay-Z. It includes VERBAL from m-flo which is why I got this album. Mostly I don't like it (the album) very much, but this track is hilarious.

Artist 吉田兄弟
Title モダン
Album いぶき
Duration 2:23
Comments This is traditional Japanese music, but not even enka, it's with two shamisen I believe. These brothers were like a break out group, this album was so popular that NORMAL people bought it, not just crazy old people. Normal people like me. uhh.. Well it's pretty crazy to imagine these people playing this. I don't think I could listen to this album on repeat though, it'd probably get on my nerves with the WHOOT!s. But I really hope you'll try this one. It's really good and so rare and obscure that I doubt that even
lemongalaxy knows of them.

Allright, that's it for this week. Leave a comment when you download, and feedback on songs would be nice.

And let's have a question of the week:

Where do you want to go to college (if you're still in high school/did if you are in college or further) that you know you have a reasonable chance (50%+ ) of getting in?

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