Poor Life Decision!

Nov 20, 2005 12:43

I did something so stupid last night and today I'm paying for it. My roomate wanted to go to a foam party (a dance party where they pour foam down from the ceiling until everyone is soaked and foamy)with some other girls from my floor, but she didn't want to stay the whole time, so, curious, I went with her and said that whenever she wanted to go, I would walk back with her. We planned to stay for no more than an hour because we both have huge papers to write this weekend and had spent the whole afternoon sleeping, but when we got there, we wanted to wait for "My Humps" to come on so that we could dance to it. But by the time that song played, we were having so much fun that it seemed silly to leave, so we decided to stay a little longer. Before we knew it, it was one oclock and we were soaking wet and had to walk back home in the freezing cold. My roommate and I were so mad at ourselves. I don't know if my toes have ever been colder. I also think I pulled a muscle. I am so sore from dancing today. Ugh! But all in all, it was totally worth it. I think that was one of the funnest times since I've been here. If I can figure out how, I will post pictures. Oh, and I was wearing my shoes that I got in chinatown that are fabric, and I really cannot get them to stop foaming. I rinsed them out twice, but then once I walked in them some more, they foamed up again. I don't know what to do. Ooh, another funny thing, my biology lab TA was there!!! And I am now comfortable dancing at parties. SO MUCH FUN (minus the cold and the fact that I am now very very screwed)and I feel cruddy since I didn't go to church this morning.
Well, I hope everyone is making better decisions than I am!!
P.S. I still havent drinken (drank?) more than one sip I've been here and am still having a wonderful time! Hooray for wholesome, non-alcoholic parties!! Hooray for Dancing!! Hooray for Thanksgiving coming up soon!!
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