Pain in the bloody ass....
I was updating, when something happened and the window closed...sonovabitch....bloody hell...
Okay, quickly:
1) Submitted 3 poems to Quo Vadis (college paper) and hoping to get one of them published.
2) It snowed again. Damn shovelling...
3) I've got 2 cavities waiting to be filled on Mar. 17 and two wisdom teeth waiting to be pulled out during summer. Hopefully, it won't cause me to skip AnimeNext.
4) Started on my costume, at least the hat part of it. Lousy ear things though, I still dunno how to sew those on. I might have to sacrifice my hugging pillow.
5) Got my ass kicked by a 7 yr old on Gunbound. I respect her.
6) Is it just me or is Dorothy cute? (Royce, don't say anything on Thursday...or any day on the forums...)
7) Making the rest of my AMV's. Love Hina's going to have two seperate AMV's, Gundam Wing will have one, and Cowboy Bebop KoHD, well, still debating whether I should do it or not. If I do, I might use Ayumi Hamasaki's Evolution..great song that is..
Those are pretty much what I wrote on earlier, before this whole mess screwed me. Mind you, those seven were much longer.
Ja ne and all those wonderful shtuff...
Would would you do If I...
Gave u a hug:
Gave u a kiss:
Gave you a massage:
Yelled at you:
Gave u a weird look:
Started a fight with u:
Started to act stupid:
Cried in a corner:
Drove off a bridge:
Touched you:
Sang you a song:
Beat you in a game:
Do you...
Like the way I look:
Like the way I dress:
Think am funny:
Like the way I am:
Want me in bed:
Want be with me:
Like my attitude:
My hair color:
Am I...
A sweet guy:
Have u ever...
Dreamed of me having sex with you:
Found yourself staring at me:
Wanting to hangout with me but couldnt:
Seen me cry and didnt help:
Cared but didnt help:
Stared at my package:
Are We...
Kool as friends:
Going to stay friends: