May 03, 2011 06:49
Dude, the Neon Trees have won me over.
Before the MCR concert, I'd only heard Animal (it was a dreadful Glee cover, and I didn't even realise it was their song until they started singing it on stage). I kept telling myself I needed to see if I liked them ahead of time, because I never will forgive myself for the fact that I saw MCR open for Green Day years ago, before I had any idea who they were. You guys, I was barrier and GERARD WAS RIGHT THERE, okay? He and Frank were being ridiculous and hot with each other, and I didn't know any better and I turned to Muse and were like "these guys are pretty cool" but never looked up their music or anything and it was YEARS until I understood just how cool they were.
So, with Neon Trees I kept putting it off, and didn't listen to any of their stuff, and then saw them, and was charmed, and was like now I really should listen. I was a little bummed out they weren't at my second MCR concert (they were picked for some show in LA, I guess it was a good thing, MCR was all excited for them)
Anyway now I'm falling in love with them, and I'm like WHY DIDNT I LEARN MY LESSON??
I am so smitten with Tyler. On stage he was sort of cocky and wild and sexual and in your face with his ridiculous dancing and thrusting his hips and swinging his mic around his head (and wrapping it around his neck and sticking it between his thighs, seriously). He was just EVERYWHERE, and it was like he just wanted his band to play with him SO BADLY and they were all like "dude, I'm trying to play my instrument here, go be a spaz over by YOUR MIC STAND and SYNTH" and I wanted to pet him and be like, "poor kitten, I'll play with you."
Except now I'm watching their videos and he's sort of adorable and vulnerable and sweet and it's a complete reversal of the guy I saw on the stage and I'm so intrigued and bewildered and INTO HIM. Also, his band is way more playful with him in the videos, though he and the drummer seem the closest, which would make sense why he's at a loss as to what to do on stage, because THERE'S A DRUM KIT BETWEEN THEM D:
You guys, I ship them so hard, they are too adorable together, him coming up behind her and leaning his head on her shoulder, the two of them cuddled up sleeping in the van, him smearing paint over the tic tac toe board when she wins, her rubbing paint on his face in retaliation, the two of them making their silly faces at each other, and when they do that they're always leaning in and I keep expecting them to just kiss. I don't even care that she's married. Shit, I'm part of bandom, like that matters. Elaine's husband, I'm sorry.
Meanwhile, their guitarist is cute, and dude, Branden, their bassist, looks like he could be Spencer Smith's less attractive cousin, no lie. The only thing that confuses the shit out of me is that apparently they're all LDS? I mentioned it to Muse and she was all boggled. It's just. Okay, leaving the stage show aside, their lyrics are incredibly dirty.
Anyway, THEY ARE GOING TO BE ON TOUR WITH PANIC AND BC. There will be BRENDON and PETE and TYLER and I'm going to DIE because that is too much adorable for me to handle. And then there will be Spencer and Bebe and Elaine, and that's too much hotass to handle. Oh, this tour. I want to follow it across the WORLD. Dude, if I can see Tyler and Brendon being silly on stage together, my life will be complete. Brendon would totally indulge Tyler and dance with him. Tyler NEEDS it.
So, if you haven't heard/seen them yet, I recommend checking out their vids for "Animal," "1983," "In the Next Room," and "Your Surrender" and for the first two (which are the singles they've released so far), they have two versions, a studio video and then a viral video, and just. You need to see them both.
I'm going to buy their cd the next time I go out, but I sorta wanna download it in the meantime so I can put it on my mp3 player. Oh, a dilemma.
neon trees