Holiday time again! Last year we were so overwhelmed by a baby who refused to sleep, exclusive pumping, and depression that sort of left me unable to feed myself, let alone put up a tree. This year is much, much better. We had Mr. E's photoshoot the day he turned 16 months. Still waiting on the cd to make the cards to send, but these are some of my favourite shots:
If you want a card, be sure to let me know. Hopefully I'll get them out BEFORE the 24th this year. But, as we aren't really celebrating Christmas, so much as the season, who knows!
Meanwhile, I've been writing and creating more. I haven't been posting my fic updates here, but they are over at AO3. Also did art for a polybigbang. A little disappointing to not get a single comment--I know the art is for the author, but geez, it would be nice to feel as though it was appreciated. I had fun with the art, but I think from now on I'll stick to writing fic. Speaking of, I have some wacky fun stuff to write for Yule, not that I imagine anyone on my flist is at all familiar with the fandom. But I guess you never know!
How is everyone?