Let me begin by saying that I do understand why everyone is so upset...but only to an extent. The fact of the matter is that "The Woods" is one of the most money hungry institutions that I can think of. I don't seem to recall anyone bitching when admission standards were lowering in the last few years. Since I have been involved with SMWC the
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I was under the impression after speaking with Glenna recently that the standards at SMWC were going back up. I then made the erroneous assumption that this meant whatever financial problems that had existed before had been resolved. It has only just recently come to my attention that money problems were still an issue. It seems to me that lack of communication between the school and the alumni has left a few people a little confused and and a bit angry that it has gotten to this point without our knowing.
As for SMWC situtation, at this point, it appears as if they've gotten themselves into such a funk that it's going to take quite a bit of "vision" to get things back on track. Which brings me to my question. I'm not sure, specifically, what you mean by vision. I consider SMWC to lack vision in many similar ways that Terre Haute lacks any sort of creative vision. That's a problem, I agree. At SMWC student apathy and professors who are concerned about giving out enough A's and F's to fill quotas that the administration has established for them are several contributing factors to the lack of academic rigor. Student retention also motivates profs to dumb down their courses (according to what I've been told by a couple of them). You've made an important connection here between the lack of vision and their money situation. So you should share the ideas that you have about how to make the school more marketable, etc. I'm interested in figuring out what the "big picture" is, like you seem to have done.
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