Oct 24, 2010 01:34

[the following is both broadcast over the campus' newly-restored PA system, and as a voice post on the journal networks. See the OOC comm for further details.]

Ah... I've never had to do something like this before, so please, forgive my inexperience.

My name is Watanuki. The former headmistress is... isn't capable of continuing her duties right now, so I'll be the new caretaker of the university. Please, treat me kindly.

I'm very sorry for what everyone's had to go through over the last few days. The campus has been restored to normal - all of the buildings should be back where they belong, and the staff should be back, too. If any of them are really deeply asleep, don't worry about that; they should wake up soon. If anyone has any really serious problems or injuries, report them to the administrative office right away.

Classes are cancelled until further notice, and the pubs and the café will have to be closed for a few days. If anyone took anything from the buildings when things started disappearing, the price is waived. Mokona and Maru and Moro will be around the campus to help, so don't be afraid to talk to them.

Again, I'm really very sorry.

watanuki, event: plot

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