hey y'all. so since i last posted, what has happened?! i guess ill work from the earliest news then go backwards.
sooo i got into lcad! i was really pumped, like ugly crying pumped when i found out. after so many years tossing and turning in bed... will i make it.... well now i have the chance! (with copious amounts of loans, of course)
i'm waiting to hear back from mcad, and i'm super nervous. i was dead set on lcad um... 24 hours ago, but then i spent those hours researching the courses/alumni/faculty and it seems like the college is way more fine arts orientated! i dont doubt for a second it wouldn't give me the skills i need to succeed, but i feel like i'd be the odd one out a lot considering myself a "cartoonist illustrator" (aka homestuck fanartist.)
but lcad is also in california and you know.. california.
well, now that i've used the dreaded -CAD words and "portfolio" in an entry, it wont be long until google indexes my blog and people are sending me emails asking what i submitted to get in, what are they looking for!? do you think ill get in.. etc.. so heres a flickr with my LCAD portfolio:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/73398813@N03/?saved=1 yes well! now onto actual art shenanigans. did you know you could put any song in
the wub machine and out its carefully coded goblet of remixlir will spill dubstep fit for most precious rubied lips? maybe i shouldve used a sound metaphor for that one. but where was i going with this... oh yeah, i dubstepped an electric six song and decided its rachaels theme
a testament to the lonely days ahead.
as with most of my drawings it started out as a blob.
continuing on with the theme of "songs about lightning", i did another pictured based off the song
electric feel. i have yet to put this one through the wub machine...
penny where is your hand going
this one was difficult because i wanted to keep the awesome mood of being high and sexy in a blown out gaussian blur jungle but i couldnt get the poses just right. the figures are tangented together in a way that really loses a lot of the flow that i couldve achieved especially with dancy stuff and their silloheutes are pretty weak :( but! i liked how the colors came out. at one point i had merged my lineart to my painting and thats when i was like welp, sticking with this one.
for my next piece i actually recorded a video of my process! you can probably tell by now that its sporadic but a methodical sporadic. i scribble, then make a palette right on the canvas, then just work from there, layer after layer...
Click to view
well, that's most of the illustrations ive done since my last entry... i'm going to make another one now to muse about my webcomic for a bit! i guess i can get away with spamming when theres only a handful of people reading this...