OOC: Permission for Panty Raidin'

May 13, 2010 14:00

Hey guys! Random possible-Ryo-entry (if people feel like joining in, of course)!

Ryo's gonna be raiding the wive's panty drawers in Mayfield because he's an uber pervert. If you wanna play along then pop in and give me permission! I'll have a post of him talking about someone being an underwear thief, but he's gonna try to make it sound like he has nothing to do with it. If you wanna catch him red-handed or figure out its him somehow then post here as well for that! This is a fun little thing, if there's just a handful of participants even if would be nice. X3

Or if your characters also a perv, he wouldn't mind tag-teaming.


possible panty raid??

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