Mar 15, 2006 20:05
My past is coated with retarded decisions, transient people, and lots and lots of drama. I've been an asshole before, and I'm not proud of my past. I even have a regret. But that's my past. I'm not an asshole anymore.
The story of my life is rather complicated, but this chapter is rather simple.
Roughly eight years ago, I met the woman who I am now engaged to marry, the person in my life who makes me happy when things are looking glum, the person who keeps me smiling no matter how dismal my day has been. Christine is my princess and will continue to be so for as long as I live. I finally found what I've been searching for my whole life, and it's been under my nose the whole time. For that, I am thankful a thousand times. I am now entering the point in my life where I set out on my own -- the time when I step into the "real world."
Also roughly eight years ago, I met my best friend. We've been through thick and thin, both in our own rights and between one another. We've laughed at about everything you can laugh at -- and some things that you can't. We've played games and talked about some of the most random shit to pass the time for years. Some of you know him, and know how interesting he can be.
Ever since I reunited with my fiance, things with my best friend have gone down hill. It started off fairly simply, a few remarks here or there. Signs of jealousy came forth almost immediately. My friend was afraid of "losing me" to my fiance. This bothered me quite a bit, as I'm finally at a point in my life where I'm happy and then my best friend suddenly flips. I could understand his viewpoint, as I would be spending more of my free time with her. However, things continued sliding down this one-way street. He began saying harsh words about her for all to see, where else, but on the cursed live journal. Hiding behind the excuse that it's simply a journal, he continued doing the same thing. At this point, I brought up the fact that it was not only hurting her feelings, but also just plain rude. He stood behind his excuse.
I went to see him for his birthday, and when I did, we talked about this issue. It had been a while since any shit had flown, and I was assured that he was over everything. I come home, and it seems like things have died down. Although, I later come to find out that things have simply been festering in the dark, rather than any problem being solved. It's like an elephant standing in the corner that no one talks about.
I've tried my best to remedy the situation, but nothing has been resolved. Hell, nothing has even changed. I was actually surprised at what happened yesterday; I thought that maybe, just maybe, he had decided to get over whatever issue he has and extend a welcoming hand. However, I now see that it was all a selfish scheme to give evidence of his "attempts" to fix things.
I've put up with a lot of shit in my life. My life has put up with a lot of shit too.
(writing is continuing, but I want to post what I have so far)