Oct 28, 2011 14:23
I finally went out with Jason. He did look just like his pix. He's friggin' huge. He says he's actually closer to 6'7" than 6'6", and I believe it. I had 2.5-3 inch heels on last night and he was well above me. As a matter of fact, he stood me up to see how relatively tall I am, and I came up to his chin. Hah! He says he's dated 5'2" girls before...I have no idea how. I'm like, did you have to pick her up to kiss her?
It was a little awkward, as we usually don't have a problem keeping the convo going on the phone, but there were some lulls last night. But it was ok, since we've talked so much already...we kinda knew there was chemistry there. We met at Intermezzo and went to Twisted Taco afterwards. I just drank b/c I'd had dinner earlier while I was waiting. He was a little late.
Anyway, we're gonna get together again. Don't know when, but we will. Apparently he doesn't like to plan much. We'll have to work on that. So right when I was leaving I went, "call me later," and he called me like an hour and a half later. Haha I meant, like, in a couple of days, but I wasn't gonna turn down a conversation! It was easier to talk to him over the phone. I guess I was a little nervous. Maybe he was too, but he'd never admit it.