
Sep 01, 2007 05:45

ok so tomorrow i'm cashing in two pay checks totalling in an estimated 500 dollars. also on monday i should be getting 1200 dollars in the mail from heather's mom (the security deposit from my st mark's apt was finally sent). so that's good... and also i should be getting my loans soon. so maybe my monetary troubles are ending??? eh..

also.. umm i got fucking out of starbucks at 4:15 in the morning and i got home at like 4:35.. ridiculous. liz got into a car accident and we couldn't find anyone else to close with us so it was just me and christina (who started the same day as i did so we're both mad slow) from 10om-4:15am.. horrible.. o and i was there since 6 so...

i think david is coming to teaneck on sunday instead of me going over to his place because otherwise i'd flake out on him. lol i know myself so well. i have 3 contenders for rebounds.. jeff, david, and sol. in that order. although maybe jeff and david are in the same place and i'll just rebound with both hehe.

it's almost 6:15 in the morning.. argh.. anyway so what else??
i'm really pissed at chris for not wanting to talk to me. well he says he wants to but his actions don't show it. i say he can go fuck himself. -_-

what else.. doug from starbucks .. u mother fucker u never pay for anything and how dare u tell me that i should go home that i'm off my game that i'm useless today?? u are the one that's useless spending 8 hours or more a day in starbucks get a life u loser.

and crazy bitch lady don't even get me started on u. u crazy whore.

i hate people.. all day i was just grumpy as hell mumbling to myself and being extremely pessimistic and alex was like.. why are u so pessimistic.. and the i TOLD him all the shit that happened this week and he said that i need a drink. lol so i think i deserve to be a total whining bitch right now and i dont give a shit if u disagree.

my mom just came down here and told me to go to bed but i feel like i have stuff to say.. Umm i have to wake up and go to the salon and waste 30 bucks getting my hair done tomorrow so i should go to bed.

o right.. so i start school the 4th.. also that's when my period starts or is supposed to for anyone keeping track. i saw the schedule for next week tonight and i was scheduled for wed 10:30 am till 4:30 pm.. i want to smack who ever did that over the head. i have class from fucking 11am till 4:50pm..

so basically EXACTLY when i have class. i'd be missing two classes too.. the first classes for each of those subjects. so basically NO starbucks i'll quit before i fucking skip my class over u. i can't skip my first day of class, even i am not such a bad student.

i'm so tired..

goodbye goodbye.. i'm hungry too damn.. FUCK i dont wanna go to the salon. NOO damn it NO!
night people.. i hope u've enjoyed this latest entry.
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