my job is silly

May 08, 2004 16:29

Ever feel like smacking someone who's SO stupid? I do. Just to see if their head will re-boot. *sigh*

Patron: Do you have any books on Anne Frank?

Me: Yes, we carry books on her. Unfortunately there has been a high school working on Holocaust projects, so we might be low on Anne Frank books.

Patron: What?!? Anne Frank was in the Holocaust? Hmm.. I don't think that's the right person then.

Me: It's the one that's most commonly asked for. I'll show you the section and you can see if she's the right person.

Patron: Is she still alive? Is there a video interview with her?

Me: Maam, she died in the Holocaust. There isn't an interview with her.

Patron (talking to her daughter): I don't think this lady is showing us the right person.
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