Teh bandwidth, teh LJ, teh what?

Jun 21, 2005 22:04

I angst too much. To prevent worrying certain people, and following my relevation during a discussion with Dan Tran that, yes Virginia, LJ IS A GATEWAY DRUG TO ANGST HE**, I will try to keep this entry angst free. Angsters Anonymous.

(16:57:03) historymoki: I noticed that you posted on your lj that you didn't angst til you got an LJ... which is strange, because I have the exact same problem
(16:57:09) TheDanTran: YES
(16:57:16) TheDanTran: somenoe please explain.
(16:57:21) historymoki: WHY WHY WHY DOES LJ CREATE ANGST???
(16:57:23) TheDanTran: YES
(16:57:26) TheDanTran: urrr.
(16:57:33) TheDanTran: tis all car's and jgrafton's fault.
(16:58:16) historymoki: my guess is that you start out lj-ing innocently, but you see everyone else angsting, so you think that it's an "ok" thing to do
(16:58:28) TheDanTran: but I didn't see anyone angst.
(16:58:33) historymoki: ...that sounded like the description of how people get on drugs
(16:58:34) TheDanTran: well, I don't think I did.
(16:58:36) TheDanTran: XD
(16:58:40) TheDanTran: I guess you're right.
(16:58:48) historymoki: LJ is a gateway drug!!!!!!!
(16:58:56) TheDanTran: oh man..
(16:59:02) TheDanTran: I think yo're right.
(16:59:04) TheDanTran: *you're
(16:59:30) TheDanTran: I wouldn't be surprised if LJ increased suicide rates.
(16:59:30) TheDanTran: :p
(16:59:33) TheDanTran: er
(16:59:34) TheDanTran: :(
(16:59:38) TheDanTran: or :-\
(16:59:52) historymoki: my first entries are like, look at Colin Powell dancing the YMCA, and now my LJ posts are like OMG life sucks
(17:00:01) TheDanTran: XDDD
(17:00:08) TheDanTran: that's good.


(17:10:26) TheDanTran: it's all LJ's fault.
(17:10:32) TheDanTran: yes
(17:10:36) TheDanTran: and that's kind of... true.
(17:10:54) historymoki: BURN LJ AT THE STAKE! BURN BURN BURN!
(17:11:10) TheDanTran: I threaten to delete my LJ account like, every other day
(17:11:14) TheDanTran: but tis like crack.
(17:11:31) historymoki: I tried to get off of lj for a week... but I'm back on
(17:11:50) historymoki: ...is this a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, or am I totally off my rocker?

So I've just discovered that Cornell's ResNet service caps each student's internet bandwidth to 2GB/month.

...we will now start taking bets on Moki's overage charges.

And I don't even download multimedia... though apparently all students get free subscription to Napster (remember them? the relaunched edition) this year.
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