Apr 27, 2014 09:36
I had a really weird dream, and I only remember parts of it. In one part, I was running up flights of stairs with a woman to provide medical assistance to a sick person in a room at the top of the building. She was sliding up the stairwell banisters, and I kept trying to convince her to teach me how to do that so we could get there quicker. My argument was that I used to be Captain Britain, so I used to be able to fly, so sliding up banisters shouldn't be that hard. There were also stacks of candy bar as we rounded every corner, and I had been using these stacks as a pivot point to make my turns tighter, even though they were unstable.
In another part, we were staying at a beachhouse, and...it's gone. hahah! yay for the evanescing quality of dreams!