Jan 06, 2010 23:48
Some friends do ask me the tips of survival of my LDR . I never admit that my LDR is the best as an ordinary human,we cant escape from any flawless relationship despite the distance would be. Nevertheless,I would proudly admit that this is the BEST LDR that ever happened in my life (yeah as though I do have a lot of it la kan).Perhaps as for now we're in the euphoria state of mind but i cant predict what will happened next.Mudah-mudahan this euphoria stage would be stagnant forever (which i know its highly impossible).
Frankly,the relationship between D & I is still in a baby stage.We crawl and we fall but somehow we had so much fun going thru this phase together.Sometimes we did feel as though we already being together for ages as we could get clicked with each other so fast regardless of our distance,belief and cultures.
Below are ways of how Me & D managed to maintain such beautiful relationship untill now (despite of how others would put their ultra effort in giving false conceptions & sarcasms);
1. Communicate - this is very crucial in any relationship especially in LDR.
2. Faithful - tepuk dada,tanya selera
3. Mix arguments once in a while in your lovey dovey relationship - this is healthy coz it helps a lot in snapping you back to reality when you're so in love like God knows.
4. Spend more time to communicate - back to item # 1,time is very crucial.In my case,no matter how busy we would be,we'll try our best to get sometime to communicate via Skype or Texts or Phone Calls (a bit in the investment la.hehehe).
5. Send lovely notes to each other - D is eventually not such nonchalantly romantic person.Sometimes he built his ego quite high therefore i wont be expecting such notes coming into my SMS inbox frequently.As a girl,i pretty much practising this as a way for me to express my concern towards him.Sapa tak sejuk hati tgk lovely notes from your love ones kala marah membara,kan?
6. Compromise - if you spell this word accordingly,it wont be that difficult.But i must admit,compromising with each other takes a whole long way for us especially in LDR.Sometimes one party just cant be thinking rationally as the other party.Be calm and take a deep breathe.
7. Believe in each other - this is LDR that what im talking about.Without this,the relationship wont go nowhere,nuff' said!
8. Ignite your partner - There's many forms in this category,i,e : we called each other with some silly pet names and crack jokes out of it.Although sometimes tu menyakitkan hati but somehow you'll just get immune to it already and get another idea on how to ignite each other again.
actually there's more.its just im way too sleepy to type it all out.
Selamat Malam!