mucho bored

May 20, 2004 19:15

Last time you:
Took a shower: 15 mins ago
Hugged someone: morning
Loved someone: today
Called someone: couple hours ago
Brushed your teeth: this morning
Went out: A's game last night
Went to Church:mothers day..not my choice
Been in a relationship: am
Prayed: mothers day

Do you?:
Smoke: ummm
Drink: not in a while
Sing: if theres a good song im listening to
Believe in God: no idea..evolution makes sense
Believe in Love at first sight: nope
Believe in Satan: hes my homie
Party: fa sho
Tease: no way
Dance: if im messing around
Play sports: used to
Believe someone can stay in love forever: yeah
Believe in Ghosts: fuck yeah..i've had experiences
Believe in Angels: ehh
Kiss on the first date: im down if your down

Who is/was:
Your last kiss? Alie
Your last hug? Alie
Your last boyfriend? ...uhh
Your last girlfriend? Alie is my love
Your last crush? Alie is my love
Last person you touched? no idea
Person you love? many
Want to spend the rest of your life with? my homies
Best friend(s)? Sean, Kevin, Alex...
Boyfriend/Girlfriend? Aliecadoo, chicky, and chickykitty

Song? COPS theme..bad boys bad boys whatcha gonna do when they come for you...
Mood? bored
Who are you talking to? no one ever talks to me
On the phone with? no one calls me
T.V show? COPS
Smell? my candle
Scene? my big ass monitor
Book? are you kidding?
Homework? not doin it
Saying? fuck you
Popcorn or Chips? Chips
Abercrombie or Hollister? those are queer stores
Love or Lust? both
Angel or Devil? Devil
Sexual or Not? tweener
Laid back or Uptight? Laid back
Funny or boring? Both
Pretty or ugly? you tell me
Hot or cold? cold
Hot Chocolate or Coffee? koolaid
Muffins or Pancakes? Pancakes
McDonald's or Burger King? mcdizzles
Taco Bell or Pizza Hut? round table
Bath or Shower? dont have time for a bath
Wild or Crazy? Crazy
City or Country? city
Friday or Saturday? friday stayin up til saturday
Winter or Summer? school
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