Jan 26, 2007 12:59
between me and huns, i'm the more organized one... it's usually me that make him go get changed and get ready to go out, or tells him to go to bed, or make him do the dishes or something...
but one thing that he's better at than me is getting up and out of bed in the mornings.
the last few times i stayed over during a weeknight, i did what i do best at home - hitting the snooze button and sleeping for '5 more minutes'. but everytime he managed to hop out of bed at the sign of the first alarm signal and goes upstairs to make breakfast or something. he would come down periodically to wake me up only for me to mumble '5 more minutes'.
how he managed to wake up my senses was by putting a plate of food next to me... last time was italian sausage and this morning was a plate full of hot roasted pork which smelled oh-so-good. i feel like a pig because it takes a plate of food to wake me up or do anything, for that matter. since i usually wake up grumpy, he suggested having pepperoni sticks by the bedside to calm me down... kinda like a zookeeper with a whip and a chair. so embarrassing when my boyfriend compares me to the animals in the zoo. :(
i guess i can't claim i'm the perfect half of the relationship... not until i can hop out of bed faster than him.