Leaning into the Cosplay Circuit--scratch that--forcing my way in.

Apr 15, 2010 23:02

About a year ago, i made myself a #10 costume for halloween.  I wasn't sure if it worked or not, but i did it.  As a joke i threatened to go to scarburough faire in it and was told i should not.  i was sad cause i wanted too.  I didn't have anyone to go with me, and i didn't have any who friends--at least not that i knew of.

I lost some friends, who never let me back into their graces, but then one year Comicon in Dallas came around and i went dressed as Tennant.  Now i am not a sewer, in facct, what i do is either buy it or ransack it from goodwill so my doctor who costume is lacking, and lets face it, i really don't have a long enough coat.  Still i went.  And guess what.  1 out of 3 people knew who i was.  three people asked me for photos, and that was awesome.  i was the only doctor who at this convention before the Tennant look-alike set foot in the convention center.

He had a caramel coat and he had literally tennants face and what did i have.  Nothing.  And then the woman with the camera came over.  That's right, she went right to all the gothamites posed there, and picked out the people she wanted.  For a half second, she looked at me, then she looked at "Tennant Man" and then said to me, well, she said nothing to me.  She ignored me.  I was heartbroken. And it was a bit troublesome.

I walked around a bit, and then that's when the bullshit started piling up.  Why are you wearing a suit. Aren't you hot?  Why are you wearing a suit.  Are you dumb?  I'm supposed to be the tenth doctor, you idiots.  I kid you not, there was a picture not 10 feet from me, a large poster, and nobody got it, and i went home, came back the next day as the ninth doctor and people still looked at me like i was retarded.  I was two years from the mark.  Yes, it's possible, I was.

I gave up the costuming at least cosplay for a while, sure i still did costumes, but they were weak, well my watson was right on the money to be honest, and when an event called the 13th doctor came around, i won third place. You see, i knew my doctor who, and that inspired me once again.  So when all-con came around, i built a tom baker from my closet.  I can show you this, and its weak, but its good enough.. good enough to get the attention of cosplayers.

Real cosplayers, and then i set about to perfecting Baker.

dw cosplay

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