Mar 15, 2006 19:06
TAKE a LETter!
No, WAIT. IT'll be BETTER on VOcal track!
Aheh-HEM! ::attempts appallingly to affect serious voiceover speech:::
BLACK MArket 'DeLIVery Fee' charged by INtergalACtic BOUNty hunter: 10 sets of humanoid organs.
CURrently AVAILable in Pen ReCYcling: 12 sets of humanoid organs.
Making a 616 denizen wish he'd never MET a Mojoworlder? PRICELESS
AAAnnnd CUT!
NO! I DON'T want SPIRAL delivering THIS, you IDIOT! It'd SPOIL it! HIRE an LLL courier or SOMEthing!
:::giggles manically::: HiLARious! I'm BRILLiant!