(no subject)

Sep 11, 2009 12:15

So um.

I don't know if this will make national news or not (there's a possibility, considering), but there was a double homicide this morning here in my hometown. The reason why this might make national news? Or at least hit SOME news media outside of the state? One of the victims was a locally well known anti-abortion activist.

I never agreed with the man's methods. They were peaceful, sure, but they were absolutely vile. He would often stand on the corner outside of city hall, which is one of the busiest intersections in the town. He'd be out there with his signs...that had giant pictures of aborted fetuses on them.

Yeah, it was kind of disgusting, and maybe he shouldn't have been doing it outside of the high school, but he didn't deserve to be shot dead.

I went to school with his son, so I can only wonder how he, and the rest of the family, is doing.

The other guy shot was the owner of a gravel quarry right on the outskirts of town.

You can tell this is huge news locally, though: it was the first news story of the day, and not the memorial in New York.

Reason this is so big? Nothing like this ever happens in Owosso. Literally. During the press conference an hour ago, someone asked when the last homicide in Owosso was. The chief and sheriff looked at each other and just kinda went "Don't remember." That's how long it's been.

So, yeah. That's the news of the day.

In other news, WHY SO FUCKING SLOW, LJ?
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