Burn you alive

Aug 27, 2003 23:17

Man, what a fucking evening. I'm not going to go into much details because the rage may come back, but in a nutshell.....

Those fucking bastards did it again. I go in, say I'm more ill (not in a good way) than I was the previous day. My supervisor tells me to let him know whenever I need to leave. Well, dammit, I stick it out the whole day, I even PUSH myself, and end up finishing up my work around 8:00, which is damn good, even on a light night. Well, I'm about to leave, and the boss sends me over to unload one of those big fucking traillers, and it hasn't even been touched. So I start yelling and bitching at the supervisor of THAT section (the rich fuck), who throws shit back in my face, which I properly remove and shove down his throat. Anyways, this goes on for a couple minutes until my belt is turned on and I can start unloading this heaping mass of boxes. After about ten minutes, I start feeling really fucking sick, so I go and notify my supervisor, so I can leave, for real this time. Well, he pages Rich (the boss), who is right around the corner, in eye's view. Even before the entire message is through, his face goes red and he starts making these fucked up faces. So I tell him to fuck off, I'll do the trailler anyway. Half an hour passes... I haven't even made a dent. They send someone else in to help me, a sweet girl named Michelle. Well, she starts telling me that I look like I could kill her and have no remorse. Then I start HEAVING! But nope! I stay in the trailler! Well, eventually, Rich comes in and tells me to get the hell out of there. I leave, stagger over to my mum's car, and we get in a huge argument about nothing. As soon as we reach the city, I go into a blind rage. I still don't know exactly what happened, but I know that she dropped me off a couple blocks away from home. Cause I had to fucking walk. Oh, and I didn't even have a post-work cigarette to calm me down because some fuck up took them while I was looking, ALONG WITH MY FUCKING WANNABE ZIPPO!!! So, the lighter was lost, then found! Then fucking stolen. I may still get it back. I'm not losing it this time without a fight. And this is my fight song (not in the typical fashion):

5. Mayday

Hey you with your head held high
Inbred on the 4thof July
Said you situation low
Burnt down everything you know
Shut it
Said you did your nation pride
Born dead on the 4thof July
Said you situation low
Burnt down everyone you know

Cause I just turn to bitches who always deny
Cause I just fuck on a page of the bible
Mayday - I don't feel alive
Cause I was born in America on the 4thof July

Said you with your breastfed lies
Your mother's cunt is open wide
Said you crawling backing low
Burnt down everyone you know

Cause I just burn these bitches who always deny
See this porno's based on survival
Mayday - I don't feel alive
Cause I was born in America on the 4thof lies

Fuck your history buried in lies
Buried alive, barely alive
Reclaim your life

Take your bible -burn it alive
Take your money - burn it alive
Take your life - burn it alive
Buried alive, buried in lies
Barley alive on...

I wish I could claim it as my own, but Amen has already done that (a band which everyone reading should check out). It's one of those songs that just fuels the fire running through your entire fucking body, but in the end, helps.

Oh, and I'm DONE with poetry.
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