SO! I've been planning to do this picspam since last year but have been too lazy to get around to it. And sort of rightly so, as it took me FOREVER. But now, it is completed in all of it's glory so that everyone can acknowledge that Gossip Girl is truly American Hanadan.
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Okay, that made me snort out loud, because it is so totally true. I know I'm over-commenting, but I've started watching Gossip Girl because of this. Granted, the "oh hey casual sex!" thing in Gossip Girl does not thrill me, but the whole sheer train wreck aspect of it is fricking hysterical. Can I just say that Chuck is fantastic? I mean, yeah, he's a manipulative jerk, but he's honest about being a manipulative jerk. Mostly. In the 8 eps I've seen so far. He's just so gleefully transparent that it's hard to really hate him. Yes, even after the first episode. And it seems like the actor that plays him has such fun with it, which is awesome. And the part in the eighth one where he's like "it wasn't even that great" to Blair and his face is so lost... I just... wow. Need a lot of help. In real life, I would be running from this guy as fast as I could.
Also, I think Nate's parents whoring him out made me slightly angrier than Mama Domyoji, if only because they were in such firm, monstrous, delusional denial. I mean holy crap. At least MD wasn't trying to make up for her own incompetence. She knew what she was doing, even if it was way way wrong, but Daddy Archibald's trying to put a Band-Aid on his own mistakes.
HAHA OMG YES! I'm so proud of myself that I'm getting people to watch both shows. Oh man, the trainwrecky aspect of the show it totally what got me hooked. And the 8th episode is totally one of my favorites in terms of both Chuck/Blair stuff and Chuck being an adorable creepster.
just so gleefully transparent that it's hard to really hate him. Yes, even after the first episode. And it seems like the actor that plays him has such fun with it, which is awesome.
I know! He's just so over the top in everything he does that he's just too insane to hate. He's just hilarious. Ed Westwick is my favorite, the character could have been way more ~srsbsns~ if played by the wrong person but he just rolls with the crack.
In real life, I would be running from this guy as fast as I could.
That would be a super wise decision. Also never eating or drinking anything he gives you for fear of ruffies. I love how in the 7th episode Blair hands Chuck her drink when she's about to go dance all "Watch my drink!" I was like "OMG he's who you have to watch your drink from!"
Also, I think Nate's parents whoring him out made me slightly angrier than Mama Domyoji, if only because they were in such firm, monstrous, delusional denial.
It also might be because Mama Domyouji is just portrayed as EVILEVILEVIL while Nate's parents aren't and so it comes off as ten times more gross. And true, at least Mama Domyouji was compentent. :P
Yeah, that's pretty much exactly what I thought. Although, I guess she figured since they've known each other so long, she could trust him a little...? Maybe.
Also, could Chuck ever be serious business? And yeah, he's my favorite character too, besides Rufus (what kind of a name is Rufus? It's like the author was like "let's pick the craziest names ever! Waldorf sounds good! Now where have I heard that before...?") And Nate is the Good Guy, which is awesome, but he's so boring. And no actual chemistry is ever portrayed between him and Blair, so I find her tears a bit hard to swallow. Oh well. Brain-rotting, hilarious fun.
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