A bad thing, and a couple of good things.

Dec 23, 2008 20:42

The bad thing is that our building's hot water heater bit the dust, resulting in the purchase and installation of a new heater, resulting in a special assessment. NOT the best time of year for unexpectedly large outlays, what with an insurance premium and estimated tax both due in January. And especially not the very day after you've had a long chat with your financial advisor, during which you both moaned a lot about the state of the markets in general and what was supposed to be your retirement money in particular.

The first good thing is that we now have hot water again! It's not easy washing your hair at the kitchen sink with water heated on the stove. And I have no scullery maid to heat large pans of water for my bath, so was reduced to a sponge bath (again, with water heated on the stove).

The second good thing is that I arrived home to find in the foyer a large box from Zabar's. "Who", I wondered, "is getting goodies from Zabar's?" And there was my name on the box! Now, my friend Hillary (the one whose daughter roomed with me this summer) had emailed me that she was sending me "a few nibbles". Some "few"!! The box was packed with goodies, including rugelach and babka, bagel chips and fortune cookies, coffee and chocolate, a Big (chocolate) Apple and a sugar cookie shaped and frosted like a NYC cab, among other things. All packed in a pretty woven cane picnic-style basket. Not to mention the cardboard shipping box which is now a cat house.

She also sent me a card, enclosed with which was a document welcoming the participants at the 30th Annual Conference of the Council on Governmental Ethics Law. A welcome letter from Rod Blagojevich. Dated Dec. 7-10, just after his arrest. Oh, my, talk about bad timing!

Weekend stuff:

Saturday was Jim & Kevin's annual Open House, always a pleasure. They do have an interesting variety of friends. I chatted about DNA and law with a couple of scientists, and politics with a former Joffrey dancer, and walked home in a light fall of snow. Sunday, I went up north to Julie's for turkey and stuff. The sweet potatoes came out well, and everyone went home with a variety of leftovers. Peggy brought me a bottle of wine which she had intended bringing to my open house. So, naturally, just as she forgot it then, I forgot it yesterday and left it at Julie's! Here's hoping Julie will remember to bring it to our next get-together. I'm missing Caroline's open house tonight, as I really couldn't see making the trek from Wheaton to Lake Villa and back to Chicago, particularly in snow and sleet.

friends, food, condo

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