I voted today, even though the primary isn't until February 5. We have early voting, and I decided to take advantage of the opportunity. The site wasn't very crowded, I expect because of the holiday, so I was in and out quite quickly, even with the judicial ballot to consider. It occurs to me that they would have a very hard time doing this without computers. With only a few early voting sites, it would be difficult to have ballots for every precinct at each one. Now, they can just program a card for the right precinct and you stick it in a machine. Very cool.
Afterwards, I ran a couple of errands and then went to check out the new building of the Spertus Institute:
It's pretty darn fabulous:
The Museum's permanent collection is in the process of being installed, so one can see the pieces but the labels aren't up yet. It'll be good to go back when that's done. The library is big and open and airy, and must be a pleasure to study in.
The view goes on forever, but unfortunately, the terrace wasn't open, so I didn't get any pics (it's hard to do so through the windows because there's a kind of mesh over them). Taking the elevator, I was talking to a woman who works there, and she told me that the offices were in the back so that visitors can enjoy the views from all the floors. That seems a bit hard on the employees! But probably less distracting. I also highly recommend the gift shop. ;-))