Sep 29, 2004 18:23
Where to start....Work is going good. South Lake is going good ( as of right now 2nd in the state). School is going pretty well. Jeff Woodbury and i have been spending a lot of time together....(now why didnt I get the apt?). Today I seen Micheal Moore at my college, not super impressed. Granted I'm a conservative and hes a liberal but I can look at things objectivly. As a matter of fact I think hes hurting the Democratic movement for the White house. Before you dissagree with me atleast hear the argument. First Ill talk about the movies, Farinheit 911. At first conception it was a political satire to poke fun, although I think it was kinda uncalled for it worked out and people thought it was funny. there is some truth in the movie but some of it is exagerated, taken out of context, or just lies for entertainment. Before you jump on that be careful becuase Micheal Moore originally said that about his own work before it was super contraversial. So any ample points made about Bush in the movie (and Im sure there are some) are incredible beucase of ther false points in the same movie. Much like the CBS thing with bush. That issue is now dead becasue there is too much doubt cast on the ligetamacy of the documents/information. So that helps President Bush emmensly. On top of that he talks like a radical because he is a radical. He talks about how he hates the right wing and how radical they are. He is a radical also just on the other side of the coin. Here is where the major point is on how hes Hurting Kerrys chances. At the speech he spurts off liberal memorandum like second nature, like "He was selected not elected," "We need to get the right wing conspirarcy to stop goin it alone," those tpes of statements. When he does that he Pol;arizes people who are already on the left wing. While doing that all the moderates can plainly see that hes radical and dont accept his words as complete truth. Hes not expecting to change many if any right wingers minds and I wouldnt either. Their minds are made up. If, however, he were to speak from a moderate point of view;not so extreme, he would be able to get the moderates to listen to his points and then ultimatly swing some of them over to the left side for election day. Instead he babbles on about radical points of view alienating the moderate view and dragging only the soft minded individuals who arnt even going to vote over to his corner. I was pretty unimpressed like I said beofre and I know Im going to read someone LJ or somehting somewhere talking about how good he did but in that situation is that person a. uninformed, b. soft minded or c. really liberal? comment if you want on opposing views