new jeans!

Jun 08, 2009 20:21

 WHOA...."last updated 6 weeks ago" says my LJ homepage.  Well obviously I have been doing most of my blogging on my teamTBB blog, because that's the sponsored blog and part of my job as a sponsored athlete!  what I don't like about it is that comments are disabled, you have to join the team forum and post responses on the forum.  Which encourages people to participate in our forum discussions, so everyone is always welcome.

anyway I am excited to post about my new jeans today.  I got tired of all my jeans hanging off my butt (even the size 4's, WTF) so I finally took my Gap giftcards I got for Christmas and bought TWO pairs of the jeans I have been wanting to get..."The Essential" jeans.  They were even on sale, so I only ended up paying $9.39 for 2 pairs of jeans!  Regular price is almost $60 a pair...which is 2-3x more than my previous jeans of choice....the Mossimo "Black" jeans at Target, which I have like 4 or 5 pairs of.

What tickles me the most is that, well, I am a size 2 now.  !!!!!!!

I know, WTF right?!  I remember sometime within the last 2 years fitting into size 6 jeans at Target and getting REALLY excited...because size 6--now that must surely be skinny for a tall girl like me.  And after being in size 10's between college and grad school....(just 5 years ago, WTF) size 6 is so much smaller!  You know, I never felt like size 10 was really huge when I was a 10.  I wasn't fat or anything, or I didn't think I was...but looking back I was 20-25lbs heavier than I am now.  No wonder I had trouble going faster.

As for the transformation from size 6 to size 4 to size 2, holy crap.  When I got to the Philippines last September, I went to the Gap with galiwaw, and that was when I discovered the "Essential" cut of jeans.  Yes, it fits girls with big cycling quads--described as mid rise, straight leg, and wide leg opening.  With the requisite 2% spandex stretch for the quads.  And I fit a size 6.  And I think I was still kind of excited to be a size 6, and not an 8 or 10.  I think the 4's were a bit tight.  I didn't buy any because a little bit of weight loss was anticipated.  Then over the course of rookie camp, I had a pair of size 4 Target jeans that were my skinny jeans, and one day I put them on (it was usually too hot to wear jeans) and WHOA!  they were kind of loose.  WHOA.

At the end of that camp, Boss Coach said no buying new jeans yet, he wasn't done with shrinking me.  He said to invest in a new belt.  Ok fine!  I think I went to a Gap over Christmas and fit into the size 4 Essential jeans.  How exciting!  But they were too expensive to buy if I continued to shrink my butt down.  So I listened to Boss Coach, and got a new belt.

I hate wearing belts.  And the last boot camp it became ridiculous how much my jeans were falling off my butt.  We traveled a lot to races so I was always traveling in my jeans (otherwise too hot to wear jeans, like I said).  So yes by now I was tired of loose saggy jeans.  Now I have new jeans.  Yipee.

Ok I will stop bragging about my size 2 ass now.  HEHEHEHE
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