My lips crack and burn, the light blinds, but the warmth is comforting.

Jun 02, 2004 23:55

Wind at my back. Beautifully cool after such a scorching day. Talked to Jason. It was a nice conversation, things needed to be said, he turned out to be a pretty caring friend.
Denisse left today, leaving a few of her cd's in my possesion...I am glad she did, the music is soothing.
I miss Rosie, I miss Dustin, which is weird, guess Jason really reminds me of him. I worry about him. Far from home, I havent written him in far too long.
I get tomorrow off. I will be glad to sleep in, glad not to be a slave to the alarm clock even for just one day.
Sunday was beautiful. God asked me to help the hungry. Especially the homeless. Nisse, myself, James, and Nisse's friend Andrew drove around downtown trying to help. It was late. Most of the people i wanted to help were sleeping. I couldnt imagine having to train myself to awake at the slightest noise for my own protection, but that is the life of these people. We came upon some men sleeping at the workforce commision, the place where america gives out work cards for the men from mexico so that they can live and work here legally. There were at least 30 men, sleeping, living in front of the door of this building, hoping to just get one foot in the door when it opened the next morning.
We didnt have enough food.
I just prayed that God would multiply it, because we could not feed all the empty tummys that sleep there that night. I cried. Next sunday i will be more prepared.
I am thankful of my life. I get so angry sometimes, and so down, but things are good.

"Just like sunny days that we ignored because we are all dumb and jaded."

Got one of those forwards that come through about once a month that a friend sends that tells them that you care and it seems so mushy, and is a bit cheesy, intended to make the sappy little girls like myself become misty-eyed. Forwarded it on. Sent it to Mel. She is indifferent to me now though. I know that. Doesnt hate me, doesnt like me, just...doesnt. Guess my words were too harsh at a time when she has too many other friends to be concerned with my drama-friendship. She even went so far as to quit/block her livejournal so that i couldnt be in her life. You didnt have to do that. Silly to avoid or change something on account of me. Im gone.

The tides of change continuously ebb and flow, and you get tossed in and out of life with the consistancy of the ocean.

Tomorrow is a new day. Court, converse in pink, dress for wedding, good intentions.
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